Thursday, January 9, 2020

Forming Storming Norming Performing

Stage 1: Forming
The first stage. the forming stage, occurs when the team is first established and the members are unsure of the team members. team goals, and who will lead the team. Team members come from different backgrounds so personalities start to emerge as people give their opinions, ask questions and try to encourage other team members to
participate. During this stage, the team purpose is communicated to the team and the team members start to get to know each other. Team members look to the team leader for support and direction.

Stage 2: Storming
The second stage of the team development is the storming stage. As the different personalities and backgrounds emerge, there may be conflict over leadership. the team's goals, how individuals perform. lack of involvement and other types of disagreements.  During this stage. conflicts must be resolved positively to allow the team to become cohesive and move forward to achieve their goals. The longer it takes for the team to resolve any conflicts, the longer it will take to achieve the goals.

Stage 3: Norming
As team members start to accept and tolerate each other's differences, the team's goals, actions and activities are identified and the team norms of behaviour, attitudes and work patterns by which the team will operate begin to emerge. The team becomes cohesive and team members begin to accept each other's differences. The team is now ready to work towards achieving team goals.

Stage 4: Performing
The performing stage is reached when the team has agreed on its goals, decision-making methods, roles and responsibilities of team members, team leadership and activities to be completed. The team should be clear about their purpose and tasks. The team should be ready to undertake the tasks identified and allocated to them while continuing to maintain good interpersonal relationships.

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