Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Simon Sinek motivational pitch on selling computers example

How Apple sell computers? Marketing pitch

“Everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo; we believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly. We just happen to make computers. Want to buy one? 

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

What you do for living?

I was just wondering, did you by any chance?

I was just wondering, did you happen to?

  • Hang in there
  • Out of touch
  • Touch base
  • Getting my head around
  • Off the top of my mind
  • At the end of the day
  • On the whole
  • On second thoughts

You must be so proud? Thank you for telling me this Charlie

What they have in common? A courage

We have lot in common.

They fully embraced vulnerability

Not that I'm aware of

I couldn't agree more

I second that thoughts

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Sweltered in blistering heat wave

 Much of Western Europe has been facing sweltering weather, with extreme heat warnings issued and record temperatures tumbling

Europe sweltered in blistering heat wave, amid surge in temperature.

Firefighters across Europe have faced scorching temperatures amid a surge in wildfires

Heat records tumbled and firefighters faced new blazes as much of Western Europe baked in a grueling heatwave

The UN's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned there was worse to come.

In Greece, a wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged on the mountainous region of Penteli, near Athens. It has damaged homes and and prompted local authorities to evacuate at least four areas and a hospital.

Wildfires are raging across Europe, where a heatwave has intensified drought conditions.





Gale force winds


Intensified drought



